黑名单 Black List


Softwares listed here severely invade users profit so strongly unrecommended to use


  1. 在自身安装包中捆绑其它有害软件的安装包(对于联网下载或捆绑其它软件安装包,但目标软件具有完善卸载功能且无害、无明显恶意行为的,本列表额外注明,但不会加入黑名单)
  2. 收集敏感信息但隐私权协议未注明,隐私权协议缺失,或将隐私信息向第三方泄露/出售
  3. 明显弱化系统安全性或稳定性的应用,如后台植入、破坏系统文件、恶意修改根证书等
  4. 无法以自身设置取消的返利链接捆绑或主页绑定
  5. 存在其它已知严重损害用户利益的行为

Blacklist Standards

  1. Bundle other harmful installers (if it is downloading or bundling orther harmless apps, there will be point out without black-listed here)
  2. Collect private info without agreement from privacy terms, privacy terms missed or leak them to any third party
  3. Significantly weaken system security or stability, e.g. implant backdoor, break system files, malware change to root certs, etc.
  4. lock up homepage or re-founding links that can not be canceled by settings itself
  5. any other behaviors that are known as servere violation to users profit.


Numbers behind the following app names are fit standard above

2345 Series 2345系列软件 1, 2, 4, 5

  • Excluding Haoya 不包含好压

360 Series 360系列软件 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  • Excluding 360 Security International 不包含360卫士国际版

ADM 阿呆喵广告拦截 2, 3

Adsafe 净网大师 2, 3

Baidu Series 百度系列软件 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Driver Life 驱动人生 1, 2, 3

Driver Spirit 驱动精灵 1, 2, 3

Format Factory 格式工厂 1, 2, 3

Kingsoft Series 金山系列软件 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Rising Series 瑞星系列软件 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Ruanmei Series 软媒系列软件 1, 3, 5

Sougou Series 搜狗系列软件 1, 5

Thunder Series 迅雷系列软件 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Tencent Series 腾讯系列软件 1, 2, 3, 5

YY|YY语音 1, 2, 3, 5

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